Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Only to Susan - Chapter 22

Had I not already published “Only to Susan” it would have 22 chapters after yesterday, not 21. And since you asked . . .

As many of you know, we were scheduled to fly to the Cancer Treatment Center of America (CTCA) – Chicago yesterday morning for my third chemo treatment, in addition to several other appointments. Our flight was scheduled for 7:55 a.m. out of Knoxville.

Sunday night, Scott decided to set his alarm on his phone for 4 a.m. He likes to get up early, take his time, enjoy a cup of coffee, watch the news, etc. Me? I like to get up, hop in the shower and go! But to ensure we did not oversleep, I reluctantly agreed to set my alarm for 4 a.m., too, just in case his did not go off. I know. Highly unlikely, but . . .

After my alarm went off, as I never heard his, my eyes surpassingly popped wide open – I wasn’t groggy at all! Of course, Scott was already downstairs doing what he does. He, much like his “sister-in-law” Debbie cannot sleep the night before traveling so he woke up at 1:45 a.m. but continued to try to go back to sleep until 3:30 a.m. before calling it a night . . . or a morning :)

After making the bed, I began getting my things together for our one night stay. Once Scott reappeared, with my cup of hot coffee . . . God, I love him, he too began getting his things together as we only had to pack for an overnight trip = one carry on. Since I woke up early, we were ahead of schedule. He told me he’d like to stop by Wal-Mart and get a mock turtleneck (more on this later). I thought, “Really????” But . . . whatever . . .

As we left the house before o’dark thirty in a down pour of rain, we made our way to Wal-Mart, which is a short distance from our house. Scott asked if I was going in, and I politely said, “nooo-oh”. I was confident he would not find what he was looking for and return quickly and empty handed. To my surprise, he did return rather quickly and with his purchase in hand . . . I thought “wow” and continued to pray he would NOT wear it.

After leaving Wal-Mart, my husband treated me to a country ham biscuit with extra ham . . . hey, I need to live a little . . .  before officially beginning our trek to the airport. With a biscuit in one hand, I managed to check our flight status on my United Airlines app and was somewhat surprised and disappointed to discover our flight had been delayed four hours and six minutes. I thought, well, if this is true, we should still get there in time for my chemo at 4 p.m. (CST).

Thank goodness, the closer we got to Knoxville the less it was raining. My courteous husband dropped me off at the terminal then parked the car. As I darted through the automatic doors, the first thing I did was check the monitor and sure enough my app was right on. Our 7:55 a.m. flight was now scheduled for an estimated 12:01 p.m. departure.

Since I had already checked us in using my handy-dandy app, I just had to wait for my prince charming to return after parking the car so we could make our way through security. For the first time . . . ever . . . we both were selected to go through pre-screening, meaning, we just walked through the detector with our hats, coats and shoes on, our lap tops in bags, etc. The reason I share this is it never fails when we fly Scott ALWAYS gets to go through pre-screening, but me? I ALWAYS have to go through the “regular” way, removing almost everything. We always joke about it, plus, it’s become almost like a competition between us although the gentleman or lady at the first security check point decides who wins the competition since he or she points the direction for us to go.

After making our way through security, we stopped for our ritual Starbucks coffee before cautiously proceeding to our gate just hoping we’d discover our flight was on time but nope . . . no such luck. We found a few open seats by the windows with plug-ins so we could charge up all of our electronics in preparation for the wait. Oh! I almost forgot . . . Scott’s drink of choice at Starbucks is a dry Hazelnut Cappuccino with only two squirts of syrup, not four, and three-fourths foam, plus an extra shot of espresso. While I waited in line “just” to see what our options were to get to Chicago earlier, he returned his drink because it was too milky. As was his second. So, this time I returned it, and a young lady made it since the young gentleman was 0 for 2. Well, she failed this barista’s expectation too (Scott use to own a coffee shop), but by this time we learned our flight to Chicago was cancelled, so we had other things to deal with besides a cappuccino . . .

Immediately, a mile long line formed at the gate counter. Fortunately, the CTCA has their own travel/scheduling department so I made a phone call to them. Unfortunately, our options were limited. We were not going to be able to get to Chicago until later that evening or even possibly the Tuesday. Ironically, while trying to ensure the CTCA could reschedule my appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday I received a call from another travel rep as he saw our flight was cancelled and was offering his assistance to reschedule our flight and appointments.

Since they were able to reschedule my appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday, we elected to drive to Nashville to catch a 6:44 p.m. (CST) direct flight last evening to Chicago. Sound crazy? Well, it was our best option at the time. There was also a 2:07 p.m. (CST) direct flight, which appeared to be full, but we knew if we got to Nashville in time we might be able to get standby on that one.

As we packed it up in Knoxville and made our way to the parking garage, someone who will remain anonymous could not remember where he parked his car. This someone knew we were on the right level, but where did he park the car? By the way, this is very not like this certain someone. As my teeth were chattering, this someone finally spotted a truck he recognized, which parked near him, just before my nose became frozen while touring level two of the McGhee Tyson Airport. Shortly thereafter, this particular someone had me safe and warm in the confines of his car.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this but all the while we laughed and found humor in most of what I have shared. I was a little worried about driving all the way to Nashville and the flight being cancelled there, but after we both said a prayer, we were Nashville bound.

Sunday, I made a “turn” (if you’ve read my book you’ll understand) of homemade Chex party mix, thinking it would make for a great snack while on the plane yesterday morning, but we pretty much devoured it on our way to Nashville instead . . . who would’ve thought? The drive went by pretty quickly. Of course, Scott had the Mustang traveling at the speed of light . . . just kidding. However, I did spot a Tusculum College alumni license plate about five, maybe 10 minutes from the airport exit on I-40. I’m not sure, but it looked like Roger Abramson as we flew by in the HOV lane. If it was you Roger, sorry I didn’t wave!

The last time I was at the Nashville airport I was young . . . really young. For many summers, my parents and I vacationed at Opryland. As part of our vacation, my dad would bring us to the airport and I’d sit on the hood of his car watching the airplanes take off and come in. Unlike a lot of children today, I didn’t fly until I was a young adult so simply watching the airplanes at a young age was mesmerizing to me.

Once again, Scott dropped me off at the terminal so I could make my way to the ticket counter in hopes we could obtain standby status on the 2:07 flight. Scott joined me with our carry-on bag while I was in conversation with the attendant. She put us on standby while assuring me we were still confirmed for the 6:44 flight.

We made our way to security and guess what . . . you guessed it! Scott was sent through pre-screening but not me! After a good laugh, he helped me get my books, coat, scarf and hat back on as he had the lap top and carry-on bag with him. I still just don’t get that but anyway . . .

I told Scott I wanted to ensure the lady told me correctly as I did not want to lose our seats on the 6:44 p.m. flight so I was going to check in at the gate counter. While he stepped to the restroom, I learned the 2:07 flight was delayed until 4 p.m., but yes  . . .  even though we’re on standby, our seats were guaranteed on the 6:44 p.m. flight. In the meantime, an announcement was made, “Susan Teague, please return to security . . . Susan Teague please return to security”. I have never heard my name announced in an airport before. Of all things? I left my phone. But I checked my tubs? My wonderful husband took my ID and returned to security for me. I had not left it in a tub but on the bench where we were putting my boots back on.  Thank God they found it . . .

Since we knew we had plenty of time, we decided to grab some lunch at a nearby Mexican restaurant. Shortly after we sat down, I noticed Scott had a sleeve showing under his sweater. After taking a double-take and trying hard to observe his “mock turtleneck”, which he put on at the Knoxville airport parking garage, I asked him if it was one piece. He laughed and said, “Yes”.  I lowered my head, with my hands on my cap and began laughing almost hysterically. Remember Cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation? Remember the dark colored “dickey” he was wearing under his white/cream colored sweater? Well, when Scott told me this morning he wanted a “mock turtleneck” a “dickey” is what I had in mind! So I confessed and told him the story. He was not sure if he could forgive me for having such little confidence in his choice of fashion, but boy we got a big laugh out of it!

Following our almuerzo (lunch), we made our way back to the gate area to learn the 2:07 flight was now delayed until 6:35, nine minutes prior to our 6:44 flight . . . . . . hmmmmmmmm. Since we have plenty of time, my gracious husband made a special trip back to the car to retrieve my favorite pink/glittery hat, which many of you have seen. I actually was wearing it this morning but while at the Knoxville airport, where Scott bought it for me several weeks ago, I purchased a black one just like it as it complimented my black and pink attire much better :)  By the way, on his way back through security? You guessed it! He was directed through pre-screening. Unbelievable . . .

Not to my surprise, our 6:44 p.m. was delayed an hour and one minute, then an hour and 16 minutes then finally an hour and 46 minutes before pulling into F9, our gate. After eating cena (dinner) at the same Mexican restaurant, but at different table, working a word search and walking the halls for exercise, it was finally time to grab our bags and board the plane. Albeit, it was about 8:50 p.m. (CTS), we were finally on our way to Chicago. And get this . . . remember the 2:07 flight we were on standby on? It had yet to arrive but was scheduled to land about an hour after we took off.

While on our way to Chicago, I slept the entire flight. I barely remember taking off, but I certainly remember landing. As I woke up, I was literally sweating. I thought, “Oh my God . . . am I sick? Do I have a fever?” Should I have a fever I could not receive my chemo. Then I looked at Scott, and he was sweating, too! I quickly realized it was the temperature on the plane. I was relieved I didn’t have a fever, and was actually thankful when I stepped off the plane to feel the frigid temperatures on my cheeks . . . it was an immediate cool down! Our driver was waiting for us so we bundled up with our hats, coats, gloves and ear muffs, or as Scott likes to refer to them, our 180s’s, before walking outside for a short, brisk walk to the limo. Once again, I slept all the way to our hotel.

Upon arriving at our hotel, the trees and shrubs were a welcoming site as they were brilliantly lit up for Christmas. As we walked into the lobby, we both took a deep breath. It is now around midnight (CST). Scott looked at me with his warm smile and said, “We’re here, and we’re safe”. And he was right. After living out my fictional Chapter 22 since about 3:30 a.m., we arrived in our room. While Scott was enjoying a bowl of Cornflakes and the Golf Channel, I was enjoying watching vision of sugar plums dance in my head.


  1. What an ordeal. Good thing you have the patience of Job. Praying that your appointments go well.

  2. Bless your hearts! No wonder you slept!! I sure hope the rest of the trip is un-eventful & worry free.

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