Sunday, November 24, 2013

We're Half Way There!

Since this is the month of Thanksgiving, I must begin by saying how thankful I am to be feeling better so I can share with you my recent update.

Last Sunday, November 17, we spent much of our time at the Knoxville airport as delays continued to be issued for our flight to Chicago, which was scheduled for 12:15 p.m. But, surprisingly, Scott and I had the opportunity to visit and catch up with a friend of ours, Lisa. Lisa is a flight attendant with American Airlines and was catching a ride to work on our flight via American Eagle.

I had noticed while watching the weather that morning there was severe weather, including tornadoes, in the Chicago area. Every time a delay or ground stop was issued I couldn’t help but think what was going on . . . were there actual tornadoes? Were houses and structures being destroyed? Were lives being taken?
Once we finally boarded around 3:30 p.m. we still remained on the ground until almost 5:30 p.m., but to our knowledge, no one on the plane was disgruntled about the situation. It was an enjoyable flight, the flight attendant was great, and we were so glad to find out we did not have to take a 2.5 hour scenic route as previously announced. But as we were landing, the winds were still fierce as we felt the plane topple to the left right before we hit the runway. Scott’s hand is probably still sore today as I nearly squeezed it off.
We had plans to attend a chamber concert and dinner with our friends Steve and Claudette Sunday evening, but we obviously didn’t make it in time. I was very disappointed as we were looking so forward to it. But we were finally in Chicago . . . and we were safe . . . but hungry.
Thankfully, there was a KFC across the street from our hotel. So we braved the high winds and made our way for some take out to enjoy in the room with some Sunday night football.
Monday morning began with breakfast at the Cancer Treatment Center followed by some blood work . . . yay :( Then we had a follow up appointment with our plastic surgeon. He is very pleased with how well I continue to heal from my surgery and he added more fluids to my expanders, giving me more definition. Although somewhat uncomfortable from the additional fluids, we made our way to our next appointment with my oncologist. Oh, I almost forgot! Scott and I were sitting in the hallway after breakfast getting some paperwork in order and here came our chaplain. She grabbed my head and prayed right there. I love to hear her pray . . .
Back to my oncologist . . . he is too pleased with how well I’m doing. Some of my blood work was high, but considering I’m undergoing chemo, they were ok. He did want to schedule an appointment with Quality of Life for my next visit so they could further evaluate my blood work as it relates to my “quality of life”. The one thing he added to my premeds for chemo is Claritin . . . yes, Claritin, the allergy pill. Apparently, they have seen results in minimizing the flu-like body, bone aches by using Claritin. Since that was one of my more difficult side effects last time, I was excited to know I could take something to help.
In addition to the body, bone aches, losing my hair and having a metallic, yuck-like taste in my mouth, I’m now experiencing some neuropathy in my fingers. They advised this could happen, but it’s ok . . . it could be so much worse.
We also met with our dietician (I wish we could just bring her home and let her cook for us), as well as the naturopathic doctor. Ironically, this was right before lunch :) It is amazing to me the difference it makes in how you prepare your food, the types of food you should eat as it relates to the side affects you are experiencing during chemo . . . Scott could have spent the day with our dietician, picking her brain :)

Following lunch, it was time to have my PICC line put in. I was more at ease this time having gone through the procedure the last time. Once again, I felt the prick of the shot that numbed my arm and within a few minutes the procedure was complete. And no tears were shed . . . and yes, I was wearing my glitter eye shadow as a reminder I’m not going to let cancer dull my sparkle so I certainly didn’t want it smeared all over my face :)
Then we made our way to infusion where we would spend the next four hours. After my husband was a little persistent :), we had a private room with a restroom and a beautiful view of the water. Our nurse was wonderful. Ironically, Scott and I both napped most of the time, but we did wake up in time to order and enjoy a delicious dinner. Following chemo, I realized we’re half way there! Two down, two to go! Reminded me of Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" song :)

The next day, I received my neulasta shot, which helps create new white blood cells while I’m taking chemo. Following my shot, we found ourselves on the way back to the airport. The highlight of the day was enjoying some French fries and part of Scott’s burger at the Chicago Bar and Grill in our concourse . . . the same place we’ve eaten at almost every time we fly American. It has become a tradition. I don’t think our dietician would have approved but . . . :)
We arrived home late Tuesday evening. I was feeling well . . . and again Wednesday morning, but by midday on Wednesday, it hit. I was in the bed almost 24/7 until yesterday, Saturday. Maybe the Claritin did help as I often wondered how badly I’d hurt if I wasn’t taking it. But again, I’m thankful I’ve not been sick on my stomach. I can handle the body, bone aches.
Once more, I’m thankful I felt like updating my blog this morning. I am also thankful for those of you who “paddled” for me last week when I couldn’t :) It’s been a rough week, but I realize it could have been worse. I still don’t feel well, but I know this is only temporary.
Speaking of paddling, if you don’t, I encourage you to join our weekly Facebook chats on my Facebook page usually on Thursday evenings. Our last chat was “Paddle, Paddle, Paddle”. Unfortunately, we were not able to host one this past week as I was not feeling well, and Scott had to tend to me, but we hope to host one this coming week, maybe Tuesday evening, since this Thursday is Thanksgiving. Scott and I continue to be blessed to be a blessing, and we want to share all we can with others.

Psalm 136:3


  1. I just recently met Scott at Rose Hill and he commented on my Tusculum button but I did not have a chance to get all the details at that time. I wish you the best and your strength and endurance' and most of all, your attitude, are great. Hang in there and keep the smiles and will going! You have another friend/admirer that you've never met. However, I have met Heather when she and Dr. Moody came by for mom's 92nd a while back.

  2. Susan, please know that James and I continue to pray for you throughout the day -- every day -- as God brings you to mind. We have been there, and it's not a nice place to be! But we are more than overcomers through His strength. Love you!
