Well . . . ok . . . may have to post that one later :)
We've had a busy, yet productive day as we expected. We woke up at 5 a.m., caught the shuttle to the treatment center around 6:30 a.m., which took us about 20 minutes. By the way, I'm so excited. We're actually staying in Pleasant Prairie, WI, which is right across the IL/WI border, so I surprisingly get to check WI off my bucket list of 50 states to visit!
Upon arrival at the center, we were greeted and given our name tags, then enjoyed breakfast in the bistro before my first appointment at 7:30 a.m. We were waiting in the lobby with yet another cup of coffee before a nice lady, our financial counselor, came to introduce herself and escort us to her office. I took my cup of coffee with me :)
Following our meeting with her, a concierge escorted us to the main waiting room where we found, other patients, friendly staff, fruit, muffins, water, and yes, more coffee, with computers and phones available to us, as well as material on all types of cancers, in addition to the offices of the folks who will assist us with our travel arrangements.
Having waited only a short time, just time enough to get that last cup of coffee, a friendly, energetic nurse cane up to me and said you must be Susan. The tears flowed . . . that'a all it took . . . she sat with me, held my hand, with Scott's arm wrapped around me, assuring us both they are here to take care of me, as well as Scott. She quickly told me that she too is a breast cancer survivor - God wink! If you haven't, read my blog about God Winks on my web site, you should (www.onlytosusan.com).
She took her time, was patient with us while talking and collecting information as to what all I had undergone since my diagnosis. Her personality was warm yet funny and calming to both Scott and me.
We were then introduced to the intake doctor. He too had a very calming, assuring demeanor. He had questions for, us and we had questions for him . . . He like his nurse assured us we would be taken care of and I will be alight. He had already reviewed most of my records before entering the room. following an overall evaluation, He even commended my surgeon, Dr. Flohr, for the nice surgical procedure he did to remove my melanoma in 2011 :)
Our day from about this time forward was not scheduled, but we quickly learned that was so the intake doctor could decide what needed to be done this afternoon and when. So, I've been told to wrap it up by my husband, my rock, (God, I love him) as the doctor scheduled the biopsy on my left breast/lymph nodes at 1 p.m. (CST). P.S. It's going to be closer to 2 p.m., but that's ok :)
If you didn't see my Facebook post this morning, I will get it on my log later today, but remember. I said surround yourself with people and things that make you happy :)
Please know your prayers are uplifting us and being felt hundreds of miles away from home . . . God's blessings to all . . .
Nice post! Thanks for keeping us up to date on your journey.